dr. Nagy Ákos Fogászati Bt.

Services and prices



Good oral hygiene is important, not only for looks, but for general health as well. Poor oral hygiene can lead to a variety of dental and medical problems such as gum disease, infection, bone loss, heart disease, strokes and more. Regular check ups and cleanings can prevent these problems as well as provide you with good oral hygiene.

Restorative Dentistry

Tooth Coloured Fillings

Composite fillings that match the color of your natural teeth and have the same strength as natural tooth enamel.

Root Canal Treatments


The pulp, which contains the nerves and blood vessels that keep the tooth alive, is normally surrounded and protected by a layer of dentin covered by enamel above the gumline and cementum underneath.

When a deep cavity or crack destroys these protective layers, the pulp is exposed to the bacteria in your mouth. A severe blow to the tooth can also damage the pulp. This can result in inflammation, infection and, eventually, necrosis (pulp death).

Irritants may then escape from the end of the root and cause a diseased area (apical lesion) in the bone.

Root canal treatment removes the damaged pulp and irritants. This allows the bone surrounding the root end to repair and heal.


Porcelain Crowns

A crown is a restoration that covers a tooth to restore it to its normal shape and size, strengthening and improving the appearance of a tooth. Crowns are necessary when a tooth is generally broken down and fillings won't solve the problem. Crowns are also used to support a large filling when there isn't enough of the tooth remaining, attach a bridge, protect weak teeth from fracturing or to restore fractured teeth.


A bridge replaces missing teeth with artificial teeth and literally bridges the gap where one or more teeth may have been. The restoration can be made from gold, alloys, porcelain or a combination of these materials and is bonded onto surrounding teeth for support.

Full and Partial Dentures

Complete dentures replace all the teeth, while a partial denture fills in the spaces created by missing teeth and prevents other teeth from changing position.

Oral Surgery

Removing teeth is a necessary treatment sometimes, but usually much easier than the patient anticipates. Simple root removal and simple gum surgery are undertaken.



Extraction13 000 Ft
Extraction surgical30 000 Ft

Aesthetic filling19 000 Ft
Rootcanal filling/canal10 000 Ft
Temporary filling4 500 Ft

Beaching56 000 Ft
Tooth jewel12-21 000 Ft

Acrylic denture120 000 Ft
Partial metal denture with acrylic cover150 000 Ft
Pocelan crown or bridge per unit41 000 Ft